Engaging Youth Through Woodworking
Job opening trends in trades careers have been on a steady upward trajectory. Filling those openings, however, has proven far more challenging. Many employers have stated that we must expose our youth at a much younger age to promote curiosity and demonstrate that these education paths exist. Introducing youth earlier allows them to set their educational focus on a career and begin to make choices that will prepare them to excel.
Introducing Youth to the Trades Through Woodworking
This course is designed to teach educators how to introduce woodworking to students, ranging in age from 7-21, using their existing classrooms.

- Provide early exposure to skills and behaviors used in the trades
- Provide opportunities to practice patience and promote collaboration
- Reinforce lessons learned in science, math, social studies, reading and art through fun, hands-on projects
- To provide teachers with a professional development opportunity- 90% of teachers we train do not have a woodworking background
What is Provided
This is a train-the-trainer program
- Tools
- Lesson Plans- 21 lesson plans and handouts
- Materials- we can buy, or we can supply you with a purchase list
- 6 hours of online training through Zoom for up to 4 instructors
- Continued support and online resources
- Provides teachers with an interactive and fun way to teach woodworking without needing expensive equipment
- Portable, project-based learning turns any room into a shop class
- Program can be an in-school, after-school, or summer offering
- Can be utilized to teach populations with disabilities
- Program expertise remains at your agency
- Excellent parental engagement programming - can be offered as a class for parents and children promoting family activity and support